If you find the images are interesting enough for you to drop a msg to my messenger, and i didnt reply, which means i'm not at the desk (sorry..) , pls leave me your name and contact via phne,mail,fb,ms or any other media, and i'll hit you back..
Kalau lah korg rase gamba2 kt sini ckop best untuk membuatkan korg nk bermsg ngn aku kt mesengger ini, dan aku plak x reply2, yang menunjukkan aku tidak berada berdekatan laptop ini (maapkan aku), sila lah tinggal kan name dan cemane aku nk kontek balik, phne ke.. mail ke.. facebook ke.. ape2 la.. hihi..
enjoy!!!!! :) thanx for dropping by..
Its been a while since last post.. hurmm.. Have to choose from thousands of photos for this update.. Sang isteri sudah berjuta kali mengomel suroh upload those pictures, and update this blog.. So, these are some of the thousands photos from my camera, (sort of summary of my summer holiday i thnk) .. :D
To start the summer holiday, mari menonton perlawan akhir futsal!

And yeah, Malaysian won!!
Rancangan untuk bersiar-siar di Australia terpaksa ditangguhkan, kerana perlu pulang ke Malaysia.. Patut seronok bukan? :)
Sebenarnya perlu menyelesaikan beberapa perkara di Malaysia, akhirnya bercuti2 satu Malaysia.. hahaha.. Ayoh ke Penang!

beca time!
Ke kenduri sahabat/bandmate Aizudin di Perak pula...
Setel di utara, mari ke selatan pula.. Johor/ Singapore!!! Sesi bertemu anak buah yg dirindui.. :D
Cuti masih ada (kurang) sebulan.. akan di sambung next time..

Ok, belakang rumah pon jadik! Mari bergambar~ hehehe. Location: Backyard, 5 Cameron Street, Jesmond, Newcastle, Australia. Panas OK?! So, Jangan komen wajah berkerut kami, thank you.

Off to Uni~ yehooo.. terasa sgt foreigner apabila menghadiri perjumpaan staff dan pelajar asing school of architecture.. Teringat budak2 foreigner kat uia dlu.. dan lantas teringat rakan2 uia.. hmm.. Lovely memories~

Budak semangat nak g uni for orientation!

Study on orientation day? Power budak nih..

Browsing all clubs~ (tapi x masuk satu pon.. haha) . These two clubs certainly catch our attention.. On left, Medieval club: Historical culture of omputeh.. Cube kalau kat malaysia, Kelab traditional, pasti x pandang pon.. hmm.. and on the right, kelab untuk ke Club: sedikit culture shock (setelah dibasuh beberapa tahun @ UIA). Tp.. kalau aku blaja kat lim kok wing skali pon pasti aku kagum dgn universiti yang ada kelab, untuk ke kelab malam.. COOLNESS! haiii.. Slamat lah da kawen.. hahaha.

We're having good time di negara orang, but then, sgt merindui kampung halaman.. (dah x saba nak balik malaysia yang indah)
to be cont..

Getting married? Done! haha.. alhamdulillah.. It's only been two months but a lot had happen lepas kawen. I'm completely in new place, with a new responsibility, within a new environment, luckily with few of known faces (good looking faces who are equally good friends of mine).
kamon2! get up!!
Barbecue time!!! The best lamb grill i've had so far~ yummy...
Kanak2 produk Newcastle, Australia, yang bakal membesar di malaysia dengan jayanya.. Amin~
Some just arrived (us), and some will be going back to lovely Malaysia for good. Even kenal x sampai sbulan, dah sgt slesa dgn dua family nih.. and for guys like Isa, yang dah rapat dengan dorg2 nih, pasti sgt sedih.. Hmm..

To be cont...
Hmm, finally, my wedding is up next..Sbg photog, nk amek gamba masa wedding sendri xleh, (ke boleh?)so, amek lah gamba before wedding, which turn out to be our wedding invitation video.. >>
To those yang nak our wedding card (posted or by hand) pm me, or her.. (nuraimi idris) haha.. btw, below are maps to our wedding... do come! :)

Dah lame x update.. been bz la lately.. pfffttt.. pindah umah 3 kali.. shooting 4 kali.. keje melambak2.. adoi ai.. sume tangguh2.. padan muke aku.. haha.. xpe.. atleast, satu da siap.. so, this is majlis bertunang cik li (Ilie) n Habib.. sodap oo masakan N9! hehe.
Versi hitam putih.. sronok juge bermain monochromatic.. much to improve tho.. :|
Kehadiran kanak2 comel ke Majlis juge sgt lah mengundang senyuman di bibir setiap yg hadir.. huhu..

so, next posting is on Perhentian Troopers.. Sudah ade komputer ntok buat vdeo.. hee.. :))
Beberapa hari lalu kluar bersama rakan2.. mission: getting a new flash gun!! yeay!!!! huhu.. so, jalan2 KL, snap la beberapa keping gamba.. huhu..

"we're tourist.. KL is fun fun~"

Jalan lime minit, and sy sudah dehidrasi!!!!! we r hot!

so, this is the new Nissin Di866.. gewd gun, easy to handle, and pure fun.. the lcd screen is in colour and auto rotation.. means if you are taking a picture in potrait, and the flash is mounted on camera, the screen will automatically rotate itself.. I have used sb900 (nikon) previously on my d90 (yang dah hilang tu :'( ...) and none of canon flash gun can compete to it (in my opininon lah).. so, as a canonian now, I say, this is the gun to compete with the sb900! bring it on.. haha

Just few snap.. bermain bersame flash.. baru lah katekan.. hahaha..

and below, are captured by my friend.. trying multiple off camera technique.. more of his picture can be view in his blog (tapi da lame x hapdet..) and facebook..>>>!/album.php?aid=216480&id=611335498

L.I.F.E. as it is..